How Many Push-Ups Per Day For Beginners?

Are you looking for an effective, low-cost way to build strength and tone your body? Push-ups are a great option! Not only do they help improve posture, but they also provide other health benefits. Plus, push-ups can be done anywhere without the need for any equipment.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been doing push-ups for a while, it’s important to understand proper form and technique as well as the different types of push-ups that can be done. In this blog post, we will discuss the importance of push-ups for beginners and how many should be done per day in order to see results. We will share tips on how to gradually increase the number of push-ups per day and advice on staying motivated throughout the routine. So let’s get started!

What Are The Benefits of Push-Ups?

Push-ups are a great way to build strength without the need for any equipment. Doing push-ups on a regular basis can improve posture, increase upper body and core strength, strengthen bones, and tone muscles. Additionally, push-ups provide cardiovascular benefits by increasing your heart rate.

What Do Push-Ups Do To The Body?

Push-ups are a full-body exercise that can help tone and strengthen your chest, shoulders, arms, back, abs, legs, and glutes. Doing push-ups regularly will also increase joint flexibility and improve posture by strengthening the muscles in the upper body and core.

Different types of push-ups

There are several different types of push-ups that can be done to help strengthen and tone your body. Some variations include standard push-ups, wide arm push-ups, close grip push-ups, diamond push-ups, decline push-ups, and more.

1. Standard Push-Up

The standard push-up is the most basic type of push-up. To do a standard push-up, start in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet hip-width apart. Lower your body down to the ground, then press back up to the starting position.

2. Wide Push-Up

A wide push-up is similar to a standard push-up, but with your hands placed wider than shoulder-width apart. This variation puts more emphasis on your chest muscles.

3. Narrow Push-Up

A narrow push-up is the opposite of a wide push-up – your hands should be placed closer than shoulder-width apart. This variation emphasizes your triceps more than a standard or wide push-up.

4. Diamond Push-Up

A diamond push-up is performed by placing your hands close together in the center of your chest, forming a diamond shape with your thumbs and index fingers. This variation is one of the most challenging because it works all of the muscles in your arms and chest.

5. One-Arm Push Up

As the name suggests, a one-arm push-up is performed using only one arm. This variation is extremely challenging and should only be attempted by advanced exercisers. To do a one-arm push-up, start in a plank position with one hand on the ground and the other hand behind your back. Lower your body down to the ground, then press back up to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

6. Clapping Push Up

A clapping push-up is simply a standard push-up with an added clap in between each repetition. This variation helps to improve explosive power and coordination.

7. Plyometric Push-Up

A plyometric push-up is similar to a clapping push-up, but with even more explosive power. To do a plyometric push-up, start in a standard push-up position, then lower yourself down until your chest almost touches the ground. explosively press back up so that your hands leave the ground and you can clap in midair before catching yourself and returning to the starting position. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

8 . Medicine Ball Push Up 

A medicine ball push-up is performed by placing a medicine ball under one hand while doing a standard push-up. As you lower yourself down towards the ground, twist your torso so that you bring the elbow of the arm holding the medicine ball towards your opposite knee. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side. This exercise works both sides of your body evenly as well as giving you an extra core workout. 

9 . Spiderman Push Up 

To do a Spiderman push-up, start in a standard push-up position. As you lower yourself down, bring one knee towards your elbow on the same side. Return to the starting position and repeat on another side.

10 . SupermanPush Up 

For this exercise, place both hands and feet on the ground so you’re in plank position, but lift one arm and the opposite leg straight into the air, keeping the mass level with your body as possible( like you’re flying ). Lower yourself down into the pushup position, then return to your starting position and repeat another side.

Benefits of doing push-ups

Doing push-ups on a regular basis can help to improve overall fitness and health. Push-ups build strength, increase endurance, tone muscles, improve posture and flexibility, and reduce stress. Additionally, push-ups are great for cardiovascular health as they raise the heart rate.

How to do an effective push-up

Push-ups are an essential part of a workout regimen. Believe it or not, push-ups can be the secret to feeling and looking like you can take over the world with just two hands and a mat.

To do push-ups properly and effectively, position your body on the floor face down and push up onto your palms, making sure that your arms are shoulder-width apart.

Keep your back straight as you bend your elbows and lower yourself closer upwards. Make sure you squeeze your shoulder blades together as you push yourself back up to starting position. With practice and patience, push-ups can become effortless, it’s all in how you get started!

What are the risks of doing push-ups?

Doing push-ups on a regular basis certainly comes along with many benefits, but it won’t be a walk in the park. Push-ups require a certain degree of effort and strength, but if the push is not done correctly or if done too quickly, push-ups can end up having some nagging consequences.

Preferably, push-ups should be done with proper form to avoid damaging any joints or muscles – otherwise one might find themselves buried in a push-up purgatory filled with aches and pains!

So why bother? Well as long as you know your limits and push yourself cautiously, you’ll reap the rewards while avoiding cheesy groans from muscle cramps.

How many push-ups should you do per day?

When it comes to push-ups, form, and technique are key. You should always focus on using a proper form rather than just trying to crank out as many reps as possible.

You can start with sets of 10-15 push-ups per set, two or three times a day. As you become stronger, you can gradually increase the number of push-ups per day.

How many push-ups per day for beginners?

Push-ups. It’s the exercise that everyone loves to hate. Push-ups are essential for building upper body strength and toning your muscles quickly.

For beginners, aim for 10 push-ups per day, adding 5 push-ups each day gradually until you reach a comfortable number. Push-ups can be done anywhere; all you need is an even surface and some determination…oh and maybe a good motivational playlist! So grab a mat, get comfortable, blast those tunes, and push yourself to push-up glory!

Is it ok to do push-ups every day?

Yes, it’s ok to do push-ups every day. However, you should make sure to control the intensity and limit your number of reps per session. Start with 10 push-ups a day and gradually increase the number as your strength grows.

Remember: take breaks between sets of push-ups, focus on proper form and technique, and stay motivated. Push-ups are a great way to build strength and tone your body – so push yourself to the limit!

Can you lose weight by doing push-ups every day?

Yes, push-ups can help you lose weight. Push-ups are a great full-body exercise that works numerous muscles at once and burns calories efficiently.

When done regularly and with appropriate intensity, push-ups can contribute to fat loss and muscle toning which leads to weight loss.

How much weight can you lose doing push-ups?

The amount of weight you can lose doing push-ups depends on several factors such as your current body composition, intensity level, number of push-ups per session, and diet.

That being said, with the right approach to exercise and nutrition, you can expect to see noticeable results from push-ups in terms of fat loss and muscle toning.

So if you’re looking to get in shape, push-ups are definitely an exercise worth considering! Just remember to be consistent and patient – results won’t happen overnight but with hard work and dedication, you’ll reach your goals in no time!

Do push-ups make you lose belly fat?

Push-ups are an effective exercise for burning calories and promoting fat loss, however, they cannot target specific body parts.

In order to lose belly fat, you need to create a calorie deficit through diet and exercise. Push-ups can help with this but should be combined with other exercises such as cardio and weight training in order to achieve optimal results.

How many push-ups per day to lose chest fat?

The number of push-ups you need to do in order to lose chest fat depends on several factors such as your current body composition, intensity level, and diet.

In general, aim for 10-15 push-ups per session, two or three times a day. As you become stronger, gradually increase the number of push-ups per day.

How many push-ups a day to build muscle?

In order to build muscle, you need to stimulate your muscles on a regular basis. Aim for 10-15 push-ups per session, two or three times a day. Focus on proper form and technique in order to maximize the effectiveness of your workout.

You can also vary your push-up routine by doing different types of push-ups such as decline, incline, diamond push-ups, and more. As you become stronger, gradually increase the number of push-ups per day.

Push-ups are an effective way to build strength and muscle mass but remember that diet is also important for optimal results. Eating a balanced diet with enough protein can help your muscles recover faster and perform better during workouts.

How many push-ups per day for six packs?

Crunches and sit-ups are great exercises for building a six-pack, but push-ups can also contribute to abdominal muscle toning. Aim for 15-20 push-ups per session, two or three times a day.


Push-ups are an effective exercise for building strength, improving posture, and toning your body. If done consistently with proper technique and intensity level, push-ups can contribute to fat loss and muscle toning which leads to weight loss.

Beginners should start by doing 10 push-ups a day and gradually increase the number as their strength grows.

Remember: take breaks between sets of push-ups, focus on proper form and technique, and stay motivated – then you’ll be able to reach your goals in no time!

With enough hard work and dedication, you’ll soon have that six-pack or lean physique that you desire!

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